Girl Math: The Lip Blush Edition

Okay, ladies, let’s talk about some serious beauty logic — or what we like to call Girl Math. You know, that magical math we use to justify all the little (and not so little) things we do to keep looking our best? Well, today we’re breaking down the Girl Math behind Lip Blush. Buckle up, because by the end of this, you’ll be booking your next lip blush session guilt-free!

Lipsticks Are Basically an Investment

Let’s start with the obvious. How much do we spend on lipsticks, glosses, and balms every year? Oh, just a casual way too much. But here’s where the math comes in: lip blush can eliminate the need for daily lipstick application. A single lip blush session lasts up to two years — that’s basically 24 months of no more impulse buys at the makeup counter. So, instead of grabbing that $25 lipstick every other month (and let’s be real, sometimes weekly), you’ve got lip color that stays vibrant and gorgeous all day, every day.

Girl Math Calculation:

$25 lipstick every two months x 12 = $300 a year on lipsticks. $300 x 2 years = $600 saved by skipping lipstick. Cost of lip blush? Less than that. Do the math, babes.

Time = Money = More Time for Coffee

How much time do you spend perfecting that perfect pout every morning? Let’s assume a solid five minutes a day for lip liner and lipstick. That’s five minutes a day, 365 days a year. In Girl Math, that translates to about 30 hours annually just spent doing your lips!

And what could you be doing with that 30 hours instead? Literally anything. More time for coffee runs, more time to snooze, or more time scrolling TikTok (we won’t judge). Lip blush cuts that time down to zero.

Girl Math Calculation:

5 minutes x 365 days = 30 hours of your life back. Time is money, and now you’re rich in both.

It's a Confidence Boost, and Confidence Is Priceless

We all know feeling fabulous is the best accessory. And when you wake up with perfectly tinted lips, you start the day ahead of the game. So, let’s be real, the glow-up you get from lip blush is basically invaluable. Can you really put a price on that extra confidence? Exactly.

Girl Math Calculation:

Confidence boost = priceless. So, lip blush is basically free, right?

Less Makeup to Carry = Lighter Purse, Less Stress

Ever dig through your bag looking for that one lipstick? (It’s always at the bottom, of course.) Lip blush = no more overstuffed makeup bags because your lips are already on point. Lighter purse = less stress, fewer shoulder aches, and more room for snacks. We all know snacks are life.

Girl Math Calculation:

No lipstick, fewer bags, more snacks? That’s winning.

Touch-ups Are a Thing of the Past

Raise your hand if you've ever reapplied your lipstick after every sip of coffee or glass of wine. Yup, all of us. But with lip blush, there’s no fading or smudging. You’re set from morning to night, brunch to happy hour. You don’t even need to think about your lips because they're already flawless.

Girl Math Calculation:

0 minutes spent on reapplying = more time for living your best life.

Final Thoughts: The Ultimate Girl Math Equation

Let’s do a quick recap of the Girl Math here:

  • Hundreds saved on lipsticks ✔️

  • Hours of your life saved ✔️

  • Confidence that lasts ✔️

  • Light-as-a-feather purse ✔️

  • No reapplying? ✔️

So, in Girl Math terms, Lip Blush is an absolute steal. You’re actually making money by getting it done. It’s just logical, really. If you’ve been looking for a sign to treat yourself, here it is — Lip Blush is the glow-up you deserve, and it makes total sense. Trust the math!

Now that the numbers add up, what are you waiting for? Come get your lip blush at WrightLooks and let’s keep this Girl Math going!